Anyone would think the girls had never seen a dragon before, they got so excited this time to get to play with just the dragons, so off they went and created some gorgeous projects, there are only a couple of examples here you can see them all over on the challenge blog, and don't forget if you play along you get a chance to win a voucher to spend in store :D
Visit the Store and see the Dragons here
This is only two of the DT Samples there are lots more to see
Click here to pop on over and play along with the Challenge.

If you want to know more about the products the DT work with pop over to the store and have a browse
Oh and dont forget to come and join our little family over on Facebook.
We have started a group, just for Stamping Dragon fans. We have loads of fun things going on. We have card swaps, fun challenges, games and even a loyalty club, So do come and join us..
Oh and dont forget to come and join our little family over on Facebook.
We have started a group, just for Stamping Dragon fans. We have loads of fun things going on. We have card swaps, fun challenges, games and even a loyalty club, So do come and join us..
Janette & the DT
These are so cute x
These are absolutely wonderful
Love and best wishes.
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